Friday, June 26, 2009



Swimsuit modeling is a separate part of the standard modeling business and it is not for everyone. As a swimsuit model you will obviously be showing off your physical characteristics. You will be required to give your sizes and you will need to have an attractive and healthy body. There is a different type of training and posing that goes along with being a swimsuit model when compared to standard fashion modeling. The ways you stand, walk, hold yourself, pose and play to the camera are all a bit different for a swimsuit model.

Although the ages utilized in swimsuit modeling and its near cousin, lingerie modeling, can begin in the early teens, there can be moral issues when posing young models. It is up to the parents and the agent to make sure all work is done in a non-offensive, tasteful manner that won’t present negative issues later in a young model’s career. An adult swimsuit model is responsible for judging the content and quality of their own work. Never agree to change the elements of a shoot due to pressure on the set. It is up to you to insure everything you do is tasteful and of high quality. If you have issues with the photographer or the shoot in general, contact your agent, and he or she will intervene on your behalf.

Physical appearance rules in the swimsuit modeling field and you must be well-proportioned and have some meat on your bones to avoid looking too skinny or too athletic. A good sized bust and posterior can help when it comes to filling out a swimsuit properly for the camera. There are many quality jobs available in the swimsuit model field but you will need a good agent to find the best ones. The top swimsuit models can earn quite a bit of money and are often superstars in their own field.

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